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APCC 2024

The African People's Counter COP (APCC) 2024, organized by the Africa Climate Justice Collective (ACJC), was held in October 2024 in Senegal under the banner: United Against Systematic Oppression and Climate Injustice in Africa. The event aimed to address the failures of the UNFCCC COP process in tackling climate crises, especially in the Global South. The APCC highlighted the negative impacts of climate change and false solutions on African communities and proposed viable alternatives. Key objectives included sharing knowledge, building unified political action, proposing genuine solutions, and challenging African governments to advocate for their people's interests. The event was divided into two phases: People’s Assemblies in various African countries and the first ever physical Counter COP in Senegal. Over 100 delegates attended the physical APCC from 21 African countries. The APCC featured discussions on food sovereignty, just transition, climate debt, and ecological hotspots. Delegates emphasized the need for local production of sustainable foods, community involvement in land management, and the promotion of agroecology. They also called for ending fossil fuel extraction, ensuring free, prior, and informed consent for projects, and demanding global equity and economic justice. The event concluded with a joint session with the Women's Climate Assembly, a climate justice march, and the presentation of the African People’s Declaration to Senegalese authorities. The declaration called for real, sustainable, and binding solutions to climate change, emphasizing unity and resilience.

​APCC 2024 Declaration

ACJC stand in solidarity, as women, men, youth, peasants, social movements, community based and civil society organizations  and United Against Systematic Oppression and Climate Injustice in Africa. Find out more ;









The People's declaration was developed during the African People’s Counter COP 2024 that was hosted in Saly, Senegal during physical people's counter COP and in various communities across as people's assembly. ​​​

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